A healthy lifestyle and eating habits is the most effective step in both preventing and controlling high blood pressure

hypertensionIt is important to take steps to keep your blood pressure under control.

The treatment goal is blood pressure below 140/90 and lower for people with other conditions, such as diabetes and kidney disease.

Adopting healthy lifestyle and eating habits is an the most effective step in both preventing and controlling high blood pressure.

However, we often find that lifestyle changes alone are not effective in keeping your pressure controlled, so it may be necessary to add blood pressure medications.

The “Prevention” section details blood pressure-lowering lifestyle habits, whilst you can learn more about blood pressure medications below.

Meditation not Medication

The regular practice of Vedic Meditation is very effective at lowering of high blood pressure, improve quality of life and therefore help prevent premature heart disease and death – without the negative side effects.

Types of Blood Pressure Medication

When lifestyle alone is not enough to control your blood pressure your health professional will suggest a drug or two! Yes, often it is more than one. Sometimes this is because the combination of two drugs is better than one. However, the second or third drug is often to counteract the side-effects of the actual Blood Pressure reducing medication.

Here we have listed some of the main types of drugs and how they work. Often, two or more drugs work better than one.

  • Diuretics
  • Beta blockers
  • ACE inhibitors
  • Angiotensin antagonists
  • Calcium channel blockers (CCBs)
  • Alpha blockers
  • Alpha-beta blockers
  • Nervous system inhibitors
  • Vasodilators

Diuretics are sometimes called “water pills” because they work in the kidney and flush excess water and sodium from the body. This reduces the amount of fluid in the blood. There are different types of diuretics. They are often used with other high blood pressure drugs. Because of their superiority in preventing major forms of cardiovascular disease, diuretics should be the drugs of choice for first step antihypertension therapy.

If you’re not taking a diuretic for high blood pressure, experts say you should ask your doctor about switching medications.

Beta blockers
Beta blockers reduce nerve impulses to the heart and blood vessels. This makes the heart beat slower and with less force. Blood pressure drops and the heart works less hard.

ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors prevent the formation of a hormone called angiotensin II, which normally causes blood vessels to narrow. The ACE inhibitors cause the vessels to relax and blood pressure goes down.

Angiotensin antagonists
Angiotensin antagonists are a new type of high blood pressure drug. They shield blood vessels from angiotensin II. As a result, the vessels become wider and blood pressure goes down.

Calcium channel blockers (CCBs)
CCBs keep calcium from entering the muscle cells of the heart and blood vessels. This causes the blood vessels to relax and pressure goes down.

Alpha blockers
Alpha blockers reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels, which allows blood to pass more easily, causing the blood pressure to go down.

According to results from one clinical study, an alpha blocker may not be the best choice for initial treatment for uncomplicated high blood pressure.

Alpha-beta blockers
Alpha-beta blockers work the same way as alpha blockers but also slow the heartbeat, as beta blockers do. As a result, less blood is pumped through the vessels and the blood pressure goes down.

Nervous system inhibitors
Nervous system inhibitors relax blood vessels by controlling nerve impulses. This causes the blood vessels to become wider and the blood pressure to go down.

Vasodilators directly open blood vessels by relaxing the muscle in the vessel walls, causing the blood pressure to go down.

It is important to take steps to keep your blood pressure under control. The treatment goal is blood pressure below 140/90 and lower for people with other conditions, such as diabetes and kidney disease.

Adopting healthy lifestyle and eating habits is an the most effective step in both preventing and controlling high blood pressure. However, we often find that lifestyle changes alone are not effective in keeping your pressure controlled, so it may be necessary to add blood pressure medications.

The “Prevention” section details blood pressure-lowering lifestyle habits, whilst you can learn more about blood pressure medications below.

Related Topic:
Monitoring Blood Pressure at Home
One of the greatest benefits of monitoring your blood pressure yourself is that you will have a much better understanding of your condition.



There are many things you can do to prevent heart disease and / or just stay healthy:

img_warwick_jonessmlr… the combination of Vedic Meditation, for twenty minutes twice a day, with a good diet – especially a low fat, low salt diet – and physical exercise, should see a dramatic change in your health.

Vedic Meditation is one of the most powerful techniques available for reducing stress and anxiety. It is also one of the easiest to learn and simplest to practice.

If you are in Auckland (NZ) call me, Warwick Jones, on 09 419 5380, or email to to find our how Vedic Meditation could help you achieve better health.

Click here to find out more about Vedic Meditation