Hippocrates said “The physician merely applies the splint, nature heals the broken bone.”

migraineEach person’s migraine pain, the triggers, and “headache calendar” (when headaches tend to occur) are unique. Treatments are also unique.

Those who get migraine’s need to consider their individual triggers, lifestyle issues such as stress level and eating habits, and their own preferences for medication as they and their physicians choose treatments.

How do you treat a migraine at home?

Some people – at the onset of a migraine, find relief by lying down in a dark room with a cold compress, combined with over-the-counter drugs including acetaminophen or aspirin with caffeine. You may want to talk with your health professional about ways to prevent future migraines.

People who have a history of migraine and then learn the Vedic Meditation technique usually find that the frequency of migraine attacks diminishes. And whilst they may still get migraines, and depending on previous history with migraines, they find that they can affect the intensity by meditating at the onset of a migraine.

What if home remedies don’t work?

Those with moderate migraines may need prescription drugs for relief. These could include agents that affect neurotransmitters (the chemicals that are the messengers in the brain) such as sumatriptin and various antidepressants. Other drugs might include agents that dilate blood vessels in the brain. In some cases, your health professional may prescribe painkillers.

Some drugs can be given intranasally, through a transdermal patch (on the skin), oxygen inhalation, and laser therapy to the maxillary nerve.

Because migraine is affected by hormonal fluctuation, estrogen use during the premenstrual period is sometimes helpful. However, ironically, estrogen may also trigger migraines. Women should discuss with their physicians use of estrogen such as oral contraceptives and hormonal therapy for migraines.

To help your health professional find the right treatment for you, keeping a “headache calendar” is important, documenting the time of day, point in your menstrual cycle, your location (at work, at home, at the park, etc.) and your activity when the migraine started.



People with a history of migraine who learn Vedic Meditation usually find the frequency of migraine attacks diminishes:

img_warwick_jonessmlr… And whilst they may still get migraines, and depending on previous history with migraines, they find that they can affect the intensity by meditating at the onset of a migraine.

Vedic Meditation is one of the most powerful techniques available for reducing stress and anxiety. It is also one of the easiest to learn and simplest to practice.

If you are in Auckland (NZ) call me, Warwick Jones, on 09 419 5380, or email to to find our how Vedic Meditation could help you achieve better health.

Click here to find out more about Vedic Meditation