Although migraine headaches are common among both men and women, there are important differences.

migraineThe prevalence of migraine is 2-3 times higher in women – with over a quarter of women being affected at some stage during their life.

The character of the headaches also differs. Women tend to report higher levels of pain, longer duration of headaches, and more associated symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting. Visual symptoms are also less common in women.

Because stress often triggers migraines, people who are habitual sufferers should learn relaxation and stress management techniques. These are especially helpful in aborting headaches when warning signs are felt.

Vedic Meditation is one of the most powerful techniques available for reducing stress and anxiety. It is also one of the easiest to learn and simplest to practice.

Massage, relaxation exercises of the neck, shoulder, and jaw muscles may all be helpful. Rest in a dark room with cool compresses can prevent the headache. Foods such as alcohol, aged cheeses, chocolate, fermented or marinated foods, MSG, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, and caffeine all may trigger headaches; diet should be monitored to reduce or eliminate intake of these.

Nicotine may cause migraine – yet another good reason to give up smoking!

In summary, each person’s migraine pain, the triggers, and “headache calendar” (when headaches tend to occur) are unique. Treatments are also unique for each case. Those who get migraine’s need to consider their individual triggers, lifestyle issues such as stress level and eating habits, and their own preferences for medication as they and their physicians choose treatments.



People with a history of migraine who learn Vedic Meditation usually find the frequency of migraine attacks diminishes:

img_warwick_jonessmlr… And whilst they may still get migraines, and depending on previous history with migraines, they find that they can affect the intensity by meditating at the onset of a migraine.

Vedic Meditation is one of the most powerful techniques available for reducing stress and anxiety. It is also one of the easiest to learn and simplest to practice.

If you are in Auckland (NZ) call me, Warwick Jones, on 09 419 5380, or email to to find our how Vedic Meditation could help you achieve better health.

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